We have a trial period for all our products but want to push a definitive sale via your offered webhook to our marketing attribution tool
Which information should we get to achieve this?
When the user first subscribe to a product with a trial period, Fovea’s purchase data will include the isTrialPeriod boolean with value true, which is included in the webhook payload. The trial period is always a free subscription period (despite different meanings for Apple and Google). At the end of the trial period, the first update you’ll get with no isTrialPeriod is your initial sale, you can push it to You should probably track if it has already been updated for a given purchaseId if you don’t want to double-track the sale.
If you also have to track renewals, you can also track the lastRenewalDate field. When the value is increased by more than 6 days, it’s a definite renewals. Beware, for any less that 6 days, it’s probably a grace period extension.