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Customers API

GET /v2/customers
Get bulk information about your customers.


Response body

The /v2/customers request returns a JSON object containing basic information about the customers.

  "paging": {
    "skip": 0,
    "limit": 4,
    "total": 129
  "rows": [
      "applicationUsername": "alice",
      "customerInfo": {
        "lastPurchaseDate": "2020-07-30T05:55:52.579Z",
        "expirationDate": "2020-08-06T07:54:53.393Z",
        "renewalIntent": "Renew",
        "activeSubscriber": true
      "receiptIds": [
      "applicationUsername": "bob",
      "customerInfo": {
        "lastPurchaseDate": "2020-07-30T05:52:02.638Z",
        "expirationDate": "2020-08-06T07:51:43.983Z",
        "renewalIntent": "Lapse",
        "activeSubscriber": true
      "receiptIds": [
      "applicationUsername": "charles",
      "customerInfo": {
        "lastPurchaseDate": "2020-07-30T05:51:50.000Z",
        "lastRenewalDate": "2020-07-30T05:51:49.000Z",
        "expirationDate": "2020-08-06T05:51:49.000Z",
        "renewalIntent": "Renew",
        "activeSubscriber": true
      "receiptIds": [
      "applicationUsername": "dany",
      "customerInfo": {},
      "receiptIds": []
Property name Type Description
rows CustomerSummary[] Array of customers. See Customer Summary below.
paging Paging Request paging information. See Paging below.

Query Parameters

Property name Type Description
skip number Number of rows to skip in the output.
limit number Maximal number of rows to return.
applicationUsername string[] Comma separated list of URL-encoded application usernames.
Example: my%20user,alice,bob.
skip and limit are disregarded when this query parameter is specified.

Customer Summary

Basic information about your customers.

Property name Type Description
applicationUsername string User identifier from your application. See the applicationUsername documentation.
customerInfo.expirationDate date-time Time at which the current (or last active) subscription is set to expire, in the ISO 8601 date-time format.
customerInfo.lastPurchaseDate date-time Time at which the last purchase was made, in the ISO 8601 date-time format.
customerInfo.lastRenewalDate date-time Time at which the current (or last active) subscription was renewed, in the ISO 8601 date-time format.
customerInfo.renewalIntent string Whether the customer intents to let the current subscription be renewed when it reaches its current expiry time. Possible values:

  • Renew – The subscription will renew at the end of the current subscription period.
  • Lapse – The customer has turned off automatic renewal for the subscription.
customerInfo.activeSubscriber boolean True if the customer owns an active subscription.
receiptIds string[] List of identifiers of the receipts linked to the customer.


Information about request pagination.

Property name Type Description
skip number Number of rows that have been skipped in the output.
limit number Maximal number of rows returned in the output.
total number Total number of rows in the database.